So we are back on track to bring some of our wooded farmland to friends; some old and some new. Starting Saturday October 19 from 3-6PM we are hosting Stagrunners, a young talent four member bluesy rock band. Socialize from 3-4 and then they come on stage at 4 playing a couple sets for us.
We are still working out the food details and would love to hear from you.
Will it be Via's Pizza or Donna's Chili Recipe?? Let us know your thoughts.
All the while the goat boys will be anxiously waiting to meet you and of course will accept any foliage you might bring their way. And for the youngsters in your group ages 10 and under we now have our swingset, two climbing and ring the bell ladders, and balance beam (low level). And do not let us forget ladder golf challenge.
And for those wanting in on some fall atmosphere we will probably end up with a bonfire.
Trails will be partially cleared. Partially because of the four major trees that fell a few weeks back and blocked access to the north corner of trails. If you plan on doing trail activity be sure to bring appropriate footwear. All visitors to the farm will have to sign a release waiver.
This is a recent addition like the increase in our insurance because of livestock.
Social Saturdays on the Farm with Live Music scheduled for the third Saturdays in October, November, and December. Hope to see you there!
